Truths Of Life

DR Gurung
What's LIFE? The True meaning of Life is to plant trees, under whose shade you do not expect to sit . Be a tree, give fruits, flowers, shade to others without expecting anything from others. Whatever you want from others, first you have to give that to others. Whatever you give to others, you will be given in return. If you give love, respect to others then surely you will be given love and respects from others.

If happiness is the meaning and purpose of life, then we must be happy for all that comes into our life, for even misfortune blesses us if it builds our character and strengthens our faith in pursuing that which is good and noble.

Life is meant to be joyful, fun, adventurous, meaningful and exciting. Having people you cherish come along for the ride is truly a blessing. Cultivating and maintaining these meaningful relationships is such an important part of life.

These are the few descriptions of LIFE that came in my mind. Of course, I have more. Hope, you will assist me to find out more. Anyway, lets talk about some few TRUTHS OF LIFE. I have listed few Truths of LIFE below;

Truth No. 1 : Nobody is real in this world except parents
Nobody is real in this world except parents
Truth No. 2 : A poor person has no friends.
A poor person has no friends. 
Truth No. 3 : People do not like good thoughts, they like good looks.
People do not like good thoughts, they like good looks.
Truth No. 4 : People respect the money not the person.
People respect the money not the person.
Truth No. 5 : The person you love the most, will hurt you the most.
The person you love the most, will hurt you the most.
What's on your mind?

I understand some may appreciate the bitter TRUTHS OF LIFE explained above and some may not. I wish and hope to share your thoughts on description of LIFE and above TRUTHS OF LIFE.
DR Gurung
A Learner (अज्ञान जस्तो ठूलो शत्रु अरु केही छैन।) 🙏🙏
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Truth No. 6 : The Person Who Cares Everyone...He Always Remains Alone...
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I agree with Truth No 5:

The person you love the most, will hurt you the most.
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People do not like good thoughts, they like good looks.
Absolutely true - Fact.