Shall I Compare Thee To A Summer's Day | Translation In Nepali | WordMeanings

Translation and word meanings in nepali of the poem shall i compare thee to a summers day.
DR Gurung
Shall I Compare Thee to a Summer's Day was written by William Shakespeare.
William Shakespeare was a famous playwright and a poet of Elizabethan period. He was an active member of Theatre Company for at least 20 years. Shakespeare continued to write plays at the rate of approximately ( लगभग ) two per year. He had written tragedies, comedies and historical plays. He wrote total of 154 sonnets. He offered his poetry as a means of immortality ( अमरता ) for both the youth and himself. His poems greatly dealt with the Renaissance ( पुनर्जागरण ) themes of friendship, love, death, change and immortality. In "Shall I Compare thee to a Summer's Day", Shakespeare compares a lady with the beautiful summer day. He finds he beautiful and immortal like his own sonnet.

नेपालीमा सारांश (Translation & Summary Of 'Shall I Compare Thee to a Summer's Day' In Nepali:

म तिमीलाई गर्मी सँग तुलना गरौँ कि ? तिमी त साह्रै मायालु र शीतल छौ, न गर्मी न जाडो। मे महिनाको प्रिय कोपिलालाई रुखो आँधीले हल्लाउँछ र फेरि खुशियाली ल्याउने गर्मीको दिन छोटो अवधिको मात्र हुन्छ।
कहिलेकाहीं सूर्य अत्यन्तै तातो हुन्छ र प्राय उसको ( सूर्यको ) स्वर्णिम रङ पनि मधुरो हुन्छ र प्रत्येक सुन्दर वस्तु बाट सुन्दरता घट्दछ, नचाँहदा नचाँहदै पनि प्रकृतिको नियमले गर्दा, मठारिन्छ, छाँटिन्छ।
तर तिम्रो सदाबहार गृष्म कहिल्यै घट्ने छैन नत तिमीसँग भएको पवित्रता नै घट्दछ। न त मृत्युको अन्धकार राज्यमा तिमी हिँडे पनि मृत्युले मैले यसलाई खाइदिएँ भनेर गर्व गर्न सक्नेछ। तिमी त समयको सदावहार पंक्तिहरुमा जिवित रहने छौ।
जहाँ सम्म मान्छेले सास फेर्न सक्छन् वा आँखाले देख्न सक्छन्, जब सम्म यो कविता रहन्छ तब सम्म यस कविताले तिमीलाई जीवन दिनेछ।

Also Read:
Shall I Compare Thee to a Summer's Day - Critical Appreciation
Shall I Compare Thee to a Summer's Day - Questions And Answers
Word Meanings and Translation in Nepali for "Shall I Compare Thee to a Summer's Day" below;



Thou artyou are
temperatemild, moderate, ( ठिक्कको तापक्रम, धेरै चिसो वा तातो नभएको )
budsunbloomed flower ( कोपिला, नफक्रेको फूल )
leasechance to live more happily due to some fortune ( नयाँ खुशी पाउनु )
Complexioncolour and appearance of a person's face ( अनुहारको रङ )
dimbecome dark ( धमिलो हुनु, कम चम्किनु )
declinedecrease ( घट्नु )
untrimnot trimed ( नकाटिएको, नछाँटिएको )
possessionownership ( स्वामित्व, साथमा हुनु )
bragto boast, to talk with pride ( गर्व साथ बोल्नु )
wand' restwander, walk here and there ( डुल्नु, घुम्नु )
eternalnever ending ( सदा रहिरहने )

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DR Gurung
A Learner (अज्ञान जस्तो ठूलो शत्रु अरु केही छैन।) 🙏🙏
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