Animal Health-II | Question Paper | 2075 [2019] | RE-ANS601 | SEE | DOWNLOAD

SEE animal health ii question paper 2075-2019 re-ans601
DR Gurung
SEE - 2075 (2019)
Time: 1hr 15 minutes
Full Marks: 40
DOWNLOAD PDF | SEE ANIMAL HEALTH-II | Question Paper | RE-ANS601 | 2075/2019
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Candidates are required to give their answer according to the given instructions.
Group 'A'

Attempt any ten questions. [10x1=10]

1. Write the name of any two diseases transmitted by ticks.
2. Write any one symptom of babesiosis.
3. Write any two names of viral diseases livestock.
4. Write the synonyms of Anthrax.
5. Write the full form of CRD.
6. Write any two names of viral diseases of poultry.

7. Write down the most important cause of milk fever.
8. Enlist any two milk borne diseases.
9. Write the one etiology of coccidiosis.
10. Write any one symptoms of vitamin D deficiency.
11. Write the temperature of liquid nitrogen used for semen preservation.
12. Write any two names of bacterial diseases of livestock.
13. Write any two names of bacterial diseases of poultry.

Group 'B'

Attempt any five questions. [5x2=10]

14. Write down the treatment of fasciliosis.
15. Write down treatment of mange parasite in pig.
16. Write any four important clinical signs of Avian Influenza.

17. Write the treatment of Ringworm.
18. Write down the important clinical sign of PPR.
19. Write the treatment of milk fever.
20. Write any five zoonotic diseases prevalent in Nepal.
Group 'C'

Attempt any five questions. [5x4=20]

21. Explain about etiology, symptoms and treatment of coccidiosis in poultry.
22. Write down the signs, treatment, etiology and preventive measures of Black Quarter.
23. Write down the etiology, signs, diagnosis and control measures of FMD.

24. Write in details about CRD.
25. What is Brooder Pneumonia? Write its mode of transmission and control method.
26. Define AI. Write any five advantage and disadvantages of it.

Check SEE Animal Health II Question paper of 2075-2019 re-ans601.

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DR Gurung
A Learner (अज्ञान जस्तो ठूलो शत्रु अरु केही छैन।) 🙏🙏
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