Concepts and Meaning of Tourism | Chapter-1 | Question Answers | Principles of Hotel Management | Grade 11 | NEB

solution of concepts and meaning of tourism chapter1 exercises Principles of Hotel Management grade11-xi neb
DR Gurung

DhanRaj's Blog (drg vlogs - presents you the solved exercises notes of Principles of Hotel Management Chapter-1, 'Concepts and Meaning of Tourism' Grade-11-xi, National Examination Board (NEB). Here, you will be able to find the solution of questions (short and long questions) that were asked on previous year (2059 BS to 2076). Hope it helps. :)

CHAPTER-1, Concepts and Meaning of Tourism

Short Answer Questions: (5 Marks Each)

1. What are the positive and negative impacts of tourism? (5)

(Note: This question was asked on exam of the year 2075)

Answer: Tourism is the result of movement of people and it is an economic activity, so receiving society or region or country must feel it's impacts. The impacts are realized in economy, society and environment. They are positive and negative. So, the following are the positive and negative impacts of tourism:

a) Economic Impacts: Tourism is one of the most important sources of income. Their travel, stay and involvement in different activities generate economy at the destination. The income has direct imapcts on regional development. It is a source of foreign income which is very good for balance of payment. Tourism generates employment. The employments are direct and indirect. At the same it supports other industries.
Tourism has some negative impacts on economy, if it is not managed properly. The easy money earned from tourists is responsible to generate inflation. That increased income and tourist expenditure will increase the market price.

b) Social Impacts: The movement of tourists directly or indirectly influences the society and culture. When tourists come in contact with the local people a social exchange takes places. It affects the social structure and mode of life at the destinations. It increases cultural understanding which leads to international understanding and peace. The appreciation and financial support from tourist is helpful to preserve local culture.
Tourism has some negative impacts on society. Tourist behaviour attracts local and they copy blindly and forget local custom and tradition. Many local people believe foreigners are good/better/advance in every aspects and they feel lower, inferior.

c) Environment Impacts: Environmental impacts of tourism could be analyzed in two subjects - i. Natural environment and ii. Man made environment. The natural environments are the Himalayas, rivers, mountains, valleys, etc. The man made environments are the city, temples, city layouts, etc.

i. Natural Environment: Natural beauty is the magnet for tourist but every tourist leaves some impact knowingly or unknowingly. Local people destroyed nature to cater the need of tourists. Natural resources have traditionally been preceived as a commodity to be exploited for personal benefits. But at the same time the income from tourism are very helpful to preserve national parks and wildlife.

ii. Man made Environment: When tourists visit historical and cultural sites they create positive and negative impacts. It attracts outsiders and increase population and constructions. Old historical building are used for different purpose. At the same time the income from tourism is very helpful to preserve and maintain old monuments.

2. Discuss the impact of tourism on environment. (5)

Answer: Environment is the most powerful magnet to attract the tourist. But every tourist knowingly or unknowingly leaves his impression/footprint on environment they come  in contact. Environmental impacts of tourism could be analyzed in two different ways, Man-made and Natural. The man made environment is the city, temples, city layouts, etc. The natural environments are the Himalayas, rivers, mountains, valley, etc.

a) Man-made environment: Tourist arrival change income of the local people, creates business opportunities and attract outsider. New activities are started and new constructions are made.

- Rehabilitation: The development of the tourism helps rehabilitate the existing settlement and buildings. In Thailand for example, the old capital city of Bangkok was re-planned to accommodate the increased number of tourists. Present Lake Site of Phewa is not what it was before. Similarly Poonhill, Jomsom and Namche changed it's old settlements. It changes the life style of local people. Many old traditions and craftsmanship are lost and new types of jobs are created.

- Historical Sites and Buildings: Tourism will change the purpose and use of historical buildings such as Patan Durbar is museum. In many parts of the world we can see that the old historical palaces, buildings and cities are used for tourist purpose. The old palace has been turned into hotel such as Lake Palace in Maisur, India and Hotel Shanker of Lagimpat in Kathmandu.

b) Natural Environment: Natural beauty is the magnet for tourist but every tourist leaves some impact. Mass tourism is responsible to create negative impacts on natural environment. Local people use natural resources for short term profit. Environmentally unconscious tour operators and locals make big mistake that natural resource is free of cost. Waste materials, beer bottles, cans, tins, tissue papers on the camp sites, sea beaches, trekking trails, are very common.

On the other hand tourism is very helpful to support financially to protect and preserve old buildings and historical sites. Similarly the income from tourism is very helpful to support and manage wild life parks. For example Chitwan National Park is generating money.

Operating tourism by protecting the environment is known as ecotourism. To consider, evaluate, protect and leave minimum negative impact of tourism on different aspect is known as ectotourism. If ectotourism is implemented properly, everybody wins: the environment, local communities, tourists and the national economy.

3. Explain accessibility and it's importance in tourism. (5)

Answer: Accessibility is another important component of tourism. It is the means by which a tourist can be reach to the point of service delivery. The special feature of the tourism industry is the immovability of the product. In other industries product of commodity moves to the customer, but in tourism customer requires to be physically presented to receive service. Accessibility is the possibility to receive tourism service.

Attractions motivate tourists but it must be affordable and possible. It must be possible for general people. Accessibility is related to be possibility to visit, to feel, to see or to watch the events, to realize or understand and experience. It is related to fulfilling the desire or wants created by attractions. Accessibility is not to have any travel to the destination.

  • Accessibility is the means of travel to the destination.
  • Tourism is sum of the total activities created by travel and stay of outsiders. The travel is related to accessibility and stay is accommodation, so accessibility no tourism.
  • Tourism service does not move to the tourist but tourist must arrive at the point of service delivery and the means of arriving at the point is accessibility.
  • Transport can be attraction itself.

From the above discussion we can conclude that no accessibility no tourism.

4. Differentiate between man-made and natural attractions. (5)

Answer: In tourism, attraction is the magnetic power of a destination or an activity which attracts people from there. It may not attract local people but it attracts people from there. It motivates people to travel and involve in tourism activities. For the purpose of tourism the attractions are classified as Nature made and Man-made.

a) Nature Made Attractions: They were made by nature. Mother Nature has created many interesting things in this world. They have magnetic power so they are used by tourism enterprises as resources. They add services and facilities with natural attraction to create tourism product. Nature is always seasonal, so nature based tourism will be seasonal.

Man-made Attractions: Man-made attractions are the sites developed or modified by the people. They are the results of human civilization. It may be past history, human civilization, past or present development. People are travelling since long time past to visit those places, although it was not for tourism purpose. Some examples of made attractions are the religious places, historical sites, rich culture, commercial centres, old places and monuments, etc.

b) Tourism Made Attractions: They are created or developed by tourism for the purpose of tourism. They are the resorts and activities operated at the destinations. They are long term investment.

Activity attraction: Different activities are organized to attract people. Some of them are organized by tourism to attract tourists. Other activities are organized by others such as World Cup and tourism utilize them. Activities are short term attraction.

c) Supplementary Attractions: Tourism supplementary attractions are developed to add with core attraction to increase the attraction values, or to create selling size of a site. If some attractions are small and does not give full satisfaction to the travelers supplementary attractions are added.

Tourism Event Attractions: Tourism event attractions are getting importance in modern tourism. They are organized by the tourism related business organization to attract, promote tourism, motivate people to travel promote destination. Different countries or regions are organizing events such as conventions, exhibitions, sport events, beauty contests, Visit Year, etc., to attract tourists.

5.  'All travelers are not tourists'. Justify.

Answer: Travelers are the people who travel from different purposes. Travelling is a journey and this is related to movement of people. It includes all type of journey taken by human beings for tourism purpose, visiting purpose, migration or for work.

Tourists are temporary visitors. They are the travelers but their purpose of travel is to get pleasure in their leisure. In other word tourist is the person who does the act of tour. Tour is to travel for pleasure. Tourist is a person who consume/enjoy tourism products. A tourist can be domestic, national, or international - nationality does not count. They enjoy tourism products, involve in tourism activities.

The Oxford Dictionary defines 'tourist' as; "a person who does the act of tour", or "person travelling or visiting a place for recreation". The word "tour" is defined as; "Journey through a place visiting things of interest'. So, the tourist is a person who travels to different places of interest for recreation.

We need to understand few points to make it more clear who the tourist is:

  • Tourist is a person who travels and stays in tourist destinations.
  • Tourist travels to destination and stays at least 24 hours, but not more than one year during the same year.
  • The 'stay' and 'activities' at the destination creates economy at the destination. The 'activities', are distinct from those of the resident and working populations of the places.
  • Tourist is 'not allowed to earn money' at the place where he visits. He must not be involved in earning and employment activities.
  • Tourist may domestic or international.
  • Destinations are visited for a legitimate purpose.

From the above discussion we can conclude that travelers include tourist but every traveler is not tourist. Travelers include all type of travels such as visit, work, migration, etc. Travelers may not generate income at the destination they visit but they may involve in income earning activity which is not allowed for tourist.

6. What are the nature of tourism? Explain. (5)

Answer: Tourism is a complex subject to understand. It is due to service concept, business of ideology and non-material object. Basic nature of tourism are - Tour oriented, Income generative, Temporary, Purposeful, Entertainment oriented.

a) Service Nature: Tourism is service industry. Because of service it is

  • Intangible, non-material product. Tourism is related to service, facility, pleasure, and leisure, which is not possible to be visualized.
  • Tourism is a combination of economic (measurable) and non-economic (immeasurable) goods.
  • Ownership of tourism product is nontransferable. In tourism, buy and sale of a product does not mean to buy the property.
  • Tourism is an assembled product. Total travel service cannot be provided by a single enterprise. So, tourism is a joint effort of several service organizations.
  • Tourism product does not move. The tourism product cannot be transported. The customer needs to move to the product, or visit the Point of Service Delivery (POSD).

b) The demand of tourism product is very unsatiable. It is a very sensitive business. It's demand is influenced by different factors such as season, economy, politics, religion and other special events in their country, on the way and at the destination.

c) Tourism is a luxurious concept. Tourism product being leisure, pleasure, and comfort, it is the most luxurious concept. As tourism is economic activity it is related with rich people. So, our customers are from the influential society, advance, rich and intellectual.

d) Tourism products are perishable (non storable). A service 'dies' if not sold within a given time. It cannot be stored. If they are not sold on a particular day/time the potential revenue they are supposed to earn on that time/day is lost and cannot be recovered.

e) Every citizen of a country is directly or indirectly involved in tourism. Their behaviour, response towards tourist represent image of the destination. The tradition, custom, religion, festivals, friendship motivate them to visit a destination.

7. Explain the effect of tourism on society. (5)

Answer: The movement of tourists directly or indirectly influence the society and culture. Tourists are people from different culture. Their dress, food, habits, manners, behaviours, etc., are different than the local people. When tourists come in contact with the local people, a social exchange takes place. The exchange happens both way guest and host. They affect the social structure and mode of life at the destinations and they carry back home new experience, knowledge, friendship. The effects can be summarized in the following sub-headings:

a) Cultural Understanding: When a tourist comes in contact with the place he visit and it's population, a social exchange takes place. It develops the understandings of two distinct cultures and helps to develop friendship between the people. The interaction between people to people results in making friends and goes a long way in increasing friendships. This will lead to international understanding.

b) Improving International Understanding: Besides generating economics activity, tourism develops international goodwill and understanding. Tourism can be a vehicle for international understanding by way of bringing diverse people fact to face. Tourism is a medium through which we can exchange knowledge and create understanding among the people of the world.

c) Preserves the Local Community: When tourists visit the local community and appreciate their custom, festivals, then the local community also realizes the importance and tries to preserve it. In many places, the lost tradition has been revived because of tourism. Tourism also supports morally and financially to preserve the local tradition. The tourist may also help to eliminate the local superstitions, they educate the local people and introduce new ideas. The sharing of the ideas will be beneficial for both communities. Tourism has some negative impacts on society.

d) Illustrative Effects: Tourists are the people who travel for the purpose of leisure, pleasure and relax but local people do not see their hard work, how they save money to travel here and collect wrong impression. The society generally young generation copy without knowing the real meaning, which will affect the existing culture.

e) Domination Effect: Tourism is related to luxurious concept. When tourist visit a destination with modern equipment, fresh dress, enjoy different types of activities in a well mannered way the local people feel dominated. Local people feel inferior, low, uneducated. It develops negative psychological feeling among the local people.

f) Cultural Change: Many times, for the purpose of tourism and because of promotion of tourism local people take part in foreign festivals. Finally, they forget the importance of local festivals and enjoy the foreign festivals.

8. Write basic difference between Attractions and Amenities. (2.5+2.5=5)

Answer: In every tourism there must be 4 As, they are Attraction, Accessibility, Accommodation and Amenities. They must be combines or work together to be tourism. So, each one of them are different but they must be together to be tourism. The difference between attraction and amenities are discussed below.

Attraction: It is anything which attracts people from "there" to "here". Because of attraction people have routine job and involve in travel. This element creates desire to travel. It motivates to travel. It attracts people towards it. The attraction is the magnetic power of a destination. The attractions could be cultural sites of archaeological interest, historical buildings and monuments, flora and fauna, beach resorts, mountains, national parks or events like trade fairs, exhibitions, sports, arts and music festivals, games, etc. They are the factors which generate flow of tourists to a particular location. Attractions may be either site attractions or event attractions. They can be classified as natural and man-made. They are historical, supplement, made by others or made by tourism, etc. In tourism, attraction requires two times; once to generate the travel. It makes the person to leave the routine job and go to a new place. The second time attraction requires to entertain or to provide the pleasure. So, attraction should have two qualities to attract and attach. The accessibility, accommodation and amenities at the destination determine the magnetic quality of an attraction.

Amenity: Amenities are the facilities added to the attractions, accommodations and transportation. The element of services added to any three elements generates tourism. For example, simple travelling by bus or by train does not count as tourism. For example, simple travelling by bus or by train does not count as tourism, if service is added with the reservation, booking, issuing tickets, providing information, it is included within the tourism. Without amenities an accommodation will be hotel, attraction will be a place, mountain, etc. When we combine amenity with attraction or hotel then it is known as tourism. It is one of the basic elements of tourism. It is the soul of the essence of tourism. It is the intangible element. It creates, pleasure, leisure, relax, trust, etc.

Amenities are the facilities. These include different facilities and services provided by the government, travel agencies or middlemen or commission agents, hotels, airlines and transport companies, financial institute, insurance agents, etc.

9. Discuss the importance of Hospitality industry in the economy of Nepal. (5)

Answer: Nepal being a developing country tourism is the best industry for it's all round development. Tourism contributes 34% of the total foreign exchange of Nepal. It has engaged approximately one percent of the countries' total potential labour force but is generating 4% of Gross Domestic Products. It is a leading source of foreign exchange earner. The benefits of tourism is discussed below.

a. Economic Benefits: The most important economic benefit of tourism is the earnings of foreign exchange. This is the only industry which brings money into the country. Even poor man can involve in tourism. Only buyers of rurality are the tourists.

b. Regional Development: Tourism is the most important source of income for many underdeveloped regions. Industrial developments in such areas are out of question. Where nothing is possible tourism is possible. The earning from the tourism can be only source of prosperity to those areas. Many economically backward regions contain high scenic beauty and of cultural attractions. Lukla, Jomsom, Langtang valley of Nepal are some of the examples of regional development. The areas around such places are providing employment for hundreds of people at different hotels and shops.

c. Source of Foreign Income: Income from foreign tourism in the form of foreign exchange adds to the national income. It offers a more reliable form of income for a developing country like Nepal.

d. Employment Opportunity: Another direct economic effect of tourism is employment. The tourism industry is a highly labor intensive. It employs a large number of people and provides a wide range of jobs. In addition to direct employment the industry offers indirect employment.

e. Help to Solve the Seasonal Unemployment and Disguised Unemployment: The typical characteristic of the agriculture economy like Nepal is the disguised unemployment. It is a type of hidden unemployment where people are working but do not generate income. Tourism is very helpful for Nepal as tourist season starts when there is no rain and no work in farm. So, tourism is very helpful to solve the problem of seasonal unemployment.

f. Breaking down of Economic Vicious Circle: A typical characteristic of a developing country is an economical vicious circle. Low income creates low savings; the small amount of saving is not able to generate investment. Without investment, no income, etc. goes on and on. Tourism is the best solution to solve this type of problem. As only in tourism where even the lowest investment generates highest number of employment and it has the highest rate of return on investment.

g. Infrastructural Development: One of the characteristics of underdeveloped countries like Nepal is not have basic infrastructures, which creates a series of problems. Construction of primary infrastructures to develop tourism will help to develop other industries. At the same time it helps the local people also. A bridge made for resort will be helpful other industries and local people at the same time.

h. Development of Secondary Industry: The secondary businesses are the supporting business to help the tourists such as growing vegetable, hatchery, bread, etc. These secondary business also develop the living standard of the local people.

The money earned from tourism will help to maintain and preserve the regional assets such as temples, city, etc. Without the income from tourism, it would be difficult to preserve the man-made environment such as Bhaktapur City.

Tourist is most essential for a developing country like Nepal. Biggest problem of a poor country is lack of capital, skill manpower and high unemployment. Tourism is the only solution to solve these problems.

10. Explain the tourist and types. (5)

Answer: Tourists are temporary visitors. They are the travellers and their purpose of travel is to get pleasure in their leisure. In other word, tourist is the person who does the act of tour. Tour is to travel for pleasure. So, tourist is the person who travel for the purpose of pleasure, relax in their leisure. Tourist is the person who does not belong to the visiting community. Tourist is a person from “there”. They do not belong to “here”. In tourism a person from one culture visits other culture. So, tourism is a cultural exchange. Tourist is an impersonal guest; a guest who does not belongs to anybody but belongs to everybody. One’s behaviour, nature, character, makes him tourist. One’s travelling pattern, object of enjoyment and using of tourism products makes him tourist. Tourist is a person who consume/enjoy tourism products. A tourist can be national/domestic or international, nationality does not count.

Tourist is a person who does tour. That is to travel for leisure, pleasure, and relax during the leisure time.

One must travel and stay for more than 24 hours but not more than one year.

Tourist can not involve in earning activities at the place of visit.

There are no hard and fast rules for the division of the tourists. Different writers, travel agents, country, airline, hotels divide tourists as per their objectives. In the same way, different have divided their clients into different groups as per their interest.

The general classifications of tourists are: -

1. On the basis of age: Child, Student, Youth, Adult, and Senior Citizen.
2. Tour package: GIT – Group Inclusive Tourist, FIT – Free Individual Tourist.
3. On the basis of economy: Deluxe, Standard, Budget.
4. On the basis of tour type: Cultural Tourist, Adventure Tourist, Special Tourist.
5. On the basis of destination: Domestic Tourist, International Tourist, In bound Out bound Tourist.

11. Explain the Hotel Chains. (5)

Answer: The chain hotels are the group of hotels running in different places under one name. It is to share the goodwill, management skill, minimize the marketing cost. The system makes customer to recognize the level of service of hotels located at different places. The chain hotels practice centralized reservation to share the business and to facilitate the customer. Some examples of popular chain hotels are Holiday Inn, Le Meridien, Crown Plaza, Hyatt Regency, Radisson, Taj Group, Oberoi.
Individual hotel by joining with large international chains such as Sheratons, Hiltons, Hyatt, Holiday Inn, etc. will be able to share their experience, marketing and management, which would have been impossible for individual hotels.

The chain hotels are may be operating as franchise, management, and lease or on profit sharing basis.

1. Partnership – Sharing equity and profits.
2. Franchise – Providing ‘name’ and ‘association’ and marketing services in exchange for franchise and marketing fees.
3. Management – Expertise in management, professional managers, technicians, manuals, systems, etc. on the basis of management fees and share of profits as ‘incentive’ payments.
4. Marketing – Active selling, chain benefits, reservation tie-ups, etc. on payment for marketing fees and incentive payment.

12. Define Tourist, Tourism and Eco-tourism. (5)

Answer: Tourist: Tourist is the person who does the act of tour. Tour is to travel for leisure, pleasure, and relax during the leisure time. Tourist is a person who does not belong to the visiting community. Tourist is a person who must travel and stay for more than 24 hours but not more than one year. Tourist can not involve in earning activities at the place of visit.

Tourism: Tourist is related to travelling, but every travel is not tourism. Man has been travelling throughout the ages but only that type of travel which is related to pleasure, relax and during the leisure generates tourism. So, Tourism is sum of the total activities created by travel and stay of non-resident people. It includes business organizations, tourists, and every things of a destination.

Eco-tourism: Eco-tourism is to utilize the attraction value of nature for the purpose of tourism. It is nature-based tourism. Eco-tourism is to utilize nature as attraction, for leisure and pleasure. To operate this tourism special attention is given to leave minimum or no impact on the people society and the nature. The tour operator provides extensive environmental training to its staff and clients are also briefed on the preservation and protection of nature.

Long Answer Questions: (10 Marks Each)

1. Define tourism. Explain various components of tourism. (2+8=10)

Answer: Tourism is related to travelling, but every travel is not tourism. an has been travelling throughout the ages but only that type of travel which is related to pleasure, relax and during the leisure generates tourism. It is a service industry but it includes many industries.

"Tourism is the sum of the total activities created by travel and stay of non-resident people". It includes business organizations, tourists, and every things of a destination.

Tourism is a complex subject to understand. It is due to service concept, business of ideology and non-material object. Basic nature of tourism are: Tour oriented, Income generative, Temporary, Purposeful, Entertainment oriented.

The various components of tourism are as follows:

Tourism is a composite phenomenon. It has certain basic components without which it cannot exist. Travel was there from the beginning of human civilization, accommodation facilities were there since long time and natural beauties have always been there but there was no tourism because there was no joint effort. Tourism is the result of 4As: Attraction; Accessibility; Accommodation and Amenities.

1. Attraction: Attractions in tourism are anything which attracts people there. It motivates people to leave routine work, place of residence and involve in tourism activities.  The attractions could be cultural sites of archaeological interest, historical buildings and monuments, flora and fauna, beach resorts, mountains, national parks or events like trade fairs, exhibitions, sports, arts and music festivals, games, etc.

2. Man-made Attractions: ...

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DR Gurung
A Learner (अज्ञान जस्तो ठूलो शत्रु अरु केही छैन।) 🙏🙏
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