Microprocessor | Question Paper 2073 | CTEVT Diploma | 2nd Year/1st Part
DOWNLOAD PDF | of Question Paper | Microprocessor | CTEVT | 2nd Year/1st Part | 2073.
Candidates are required to give their answers in their own words as far as practicable. The figures in the margin indicate full marks.
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Attempt Any Five questions:
(a) Differentiate between Analog and Digital Computer and explain Microprocessors and Microcontroller. [8]
(b) What is addressing mode? Explain the addressing modes in 8085 with suitable example. [8]
2. Draw the neat and clean internal architecture of 8085 and explain briefly. [6+10=16]
(a) Write an assembly language program: Add two 8-bits numbers 09H and 04H and the subtract with 33H and store result in memory location 2073H. [8]
(b) Write a program to add ten numbers in consecutive memory locations starting from 4081H and display the result in two output ports. [8]
(a) Draw the timing diagram of memory read cycle in 8085 and explain in detail. [8]
(b) Define Unique address decoding. Interface 8KB ROM Memory with 8085 microprocessor. [2+6=8]
(a) What is DMA? Explain about the operation DMA in detail. [2+6=8]
(b) Differentiate between maskable and non-maskable interrupt. Explain about the vectored interrupt. [4+4=8]
6. Write short notes on: Any Four [4x4=16]
(a) SAP-1, SAP-2, SAP-3, computer.
(b) Stack and Subroutine.
(c) Interfacing 1/10 devices.
(d) 8251 USART.
(e) Instruction Set.
(f) Von Neumann's Architecture.
Good Luck!
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