New Curriculum for Secondary Level (Grade 1 to 12) | Approved
New Curriculum Secondary Level Grade 1 to Grade 12 Approved
DR Gurung
New Curriculum for secondary level (Grade - 1 to 12) has been approved.
Grade 11 and 12 will now have Nepali, English, Social Studies and a skill-based subject as 4 compulsory subjects with other 3 optional subjects. Similarly, provisions have been made to keep 5 compulsory subjects and 2 optional subjects in grade 9 and grade 10. Among the 2 optional subjects, there will be a skill-based subject as well.
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"Essential improvements have been made in the curriculum to produce qualified manpower based on the social justice assured by the constitution, the production of required manpower is determined by the curriculum and we are moving forward in this direction," said Minister Pokharel.
A total of three subjects, one each from Optional First, Second and Third should be selected. One subject should only be selected from the given group. Subjects of Optional Second and Third should be selected from the same group as that of Optional First subject. [RSS]
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Check and Download New Curriculum of Class 11 and Class 12 All Subjects 2076/2020In the press meeting organized to present the evaluation of Ministry of Science and Technology, student admission and other various subjects, Education Minister Pokharel said that the National Curriculum Draft will be passed in accordance with the country's constitution, education law and regulations.
"Essential improvements have been made in the curriculum to produce qualified manpower based on the social justice assured by the constitution, the production of required manpower is determined by the curriculum and we are moving forward in this direction," said Minister Pokharel.
A total of three subjects, one each from Optional First, Second and Third should be selected. One subject should only be selected from the given group. Subjects of Optional Second and Third should be selected from the same group as that of Optional First subject. [RSS]
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View the notice image below regarding the structure of New Curriculum for Secondary Level (Grade 1 to 12) Nepal.
ऐच्छिक तृतीय
विज्ञान तथा प्रविधि समूह
व्यवस्थापन समूह
मानविकी तथा सामाजिक समूह
कानुन समूह
कला तथा संस्कृति समूह
संस्कृत तथा परम्परागत शिक्षा समूह |
१. जीव विज्ञान (Biology) I & II
१. वित्त शास्त्र (Finance)
१. भूगोल (Geography)
१. संबैधानिक कानुन र नेपालको संबिधान (Constitutional law and Nepalese constitution) (Grade XI)
१. नृत्य र अभिनय (Dance and Acting)
१. संस्कृत रचना (Sanskrit Rachana)
२. गणित (Mathematics) I & II*
२. पर्यटन (Travel and Tourism)
२. ग्रामीण विकास (Rural Development)
२. देवानी कानून र न्याय (Civil Law and Justice) (Grade XII)
२. मूर्तिकला (Sculpture)
२. जर्मन भाषा (German Bhasha)
३. बाणिज्य गणित (Business Mathematics)
३. मनोविज्ञान (Psychology)
३. प्रायोगिक कला (Applied Arts)
३. जापानिज भाषा (Japanese Bhasha)
४. जनशक्ति व्यवस्थापन (Human Resource Management) (Grade XI)
४. स्वास्थ्य तथा शारीरिक शिक्षा (Health and Physical Education)
४. ऐ नेपाली (Optional Nepali)
५. सङ्गठनात्मक व्यवस्थापन (Organizational management) (Grade XII)
५. पुस्तकालय तथा सूचना विज्ञान (Library and Information Science)
५. ऐ अर्थशास्त्र (Optional Economics)
६. ऐच्छिक नेपाली (Optional Nepali)
६. ऐ समाजशास्त्र (Optional Sociology)
७. नागरिक शास्त्र (Civics)
७. ऐ वस्तुशास्त्र (Traditional Hindu Architecture)
८. गृह विज्ञान (Home Science)
८. ऐ राजनीतिशास्त्र (Optional Political Science)
९. लैङ्गिक अध्ययन (Gender Studies)
९. ऐ सङ्गीत (Optional Music)
१०. सल्लाह र परामर्श (Guidance and Counselling)
१०. ऐ पत्रकारिता (Optional Journalism)
११. भाषा विज्ञान (Linguistics)
११. ऐ अङ्ग्रेजी (Optional English)
१२. ऐच्छिक गणित (Optional Mathematics)
१२. ऐ गणित (Optional Mathematics)
१३. उर्दु (Urdu)
१३. ऐ कम्प्यूटर विज्ञान (Optional Computer Science)
ऐच्छिक चतुर्थ समूह
१. कृषि (Agriculture)
२. पशुपालन (Animal Husbandry)
३. पंक्षी पालन (Poultry)
४. रेसम खेती र मौरी पालन (Sericulture and bee keeping)
५. च्याउ खेती (Mushroom Farming)
६. तरकारी खेती (Vegetable Farming)
७. पुष्प खेती (Floriculture)
८. बागवानी (Horticulture)
९. माछापालन (Fisheries)
१०. सौन्दर्यकला (Beautician)
११. केश कला (Hair Dressing)
१२. सिलाई तथा बुनाई (Sewing and Knitting)
१३. खाध र पोषण (Food and Nutrition)
१४. खाद्द्य विज्ञान (Food Science)
१५. स्याहार शिक्षा (Care Taker Education)
१६. बुढ्यौली शिक्षा (Gerontology)
विज्ञान तथा प्रविधि समूहका लागि
१. सूचना प्रविधि तथा कम्प्यटर विज्ञान (Information technology and computer science) I & II*
२. तथ्याङ्क शास्त्र (Statistics) I & II
कानुन समूहका लागि
१. मानव अधिकार (Human Rights)**
२. फौजदारी कानुन र न्याय (Criminal law and justice)**
३. सूचना प्रविधि तथा कम्प्युटर विज्ञान (Information technology and computer science) I & II*
* विज्ञान तथा प्रविधि समूहका विषय छनौट गर्ने विधार्थीहरुले ऐच्छिक चतुर्थ विषयको रुपमा लिन सक्ने।
** कानुन समूहका विषय लिने विधार्थीहरुले ऐच्छिक चतुर्थ विषयको रुपमा लिन सक्ने।
View the notice image below regarding the structure of New Curriculum for Secondary Level (Grade 1 to 12) Nepal.
DR Gurung
A Learner
(अज्ञान जस्तो ठूलो शत्रु अरु केही छैन।) 🙏🙏
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