Compulsory English Question Paper | 2075 [2019] | RE-101-BP | SEE

compulsory english question paper 2075-2019 re-101-bp see
DR Gurung

SEE - 2075 (2019)
(New Course)
Reading and Writing
(Written Test)
Subject Code: RE-101-BP
Time: 2hrs. 15 minutes
Full Marks: 75
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Solved SEE Compulsory English Question Paper of 2075/2019 - RE-101-BP
Candidates are required to give their answer according to the given instructions.

1. Read the part of the poem and do the tasks. [5]
I Wandered Lonely as a Cloud
I wandered lonely as a cloud
That floats on high o’er vales and hills,
When all at once I saw a crowd,
A host, of golden daffodils;
Beside the lake, beneath the trees,
Fluttering and dancing in the breeze.

Continuous as the stars that shine
And twinkle on the milky way,
They stretched in never ending line
Along the margin of a bay:
Ten thousand saw I at a glance,
Tossing their heads in sprightly dance.
The waves beside them danced; but they
Out did the sparkling waves in glee:

A poet could not be gay,
In such a jocund company:
I gazed-and gazed-but little thought
What wealth the show to me had brought:
William Wordsworth

A. Answer these questions. [5x1=5]

a. What does the speaker compare himself with ?
b. How are the daffodils described in the poem ?
c. Where did the poet see the daffodils ?
d. Who danced along with the daffodils ?
e. How did the speaker react to the sight of the flowers ?

2. Read the text and do the tasks.
Traffickers prey on the most vulnerable members of society. In order to
deceive, first, they take help of local people to identify such families.
They may provide economic incentive and financial loans to their friends,
relatives, family, spouse or even parents. At times, most victims are lured
to promises of better jobs or well paid job in cities, false marriages and
proposals, easy money, dream of sophisticated life and other. Victims of
earthquakes, floods, wars and epidemics can be easily smuggled.

Most victims are involved in slavery like practices, and kept in prison
like environment. It is because they can be physically and sexually abused.
They have to work long hours without any rest or recreation. They never
get medical facility when they fall sick. They are either paid less or
their earnings are withheld with prolonged indebtedness to traffickers.

Our constitution has preserved the right to freedom. Therefore, we must
fight against trafficking of persons. In addition to legislation, the Nepal
government, The Ministry of Women, Children and Welfare, various
INGOs and NGOs and many other organisations in Nepal are dedicated
to combat human trafficking.

If we suspect anyone involving in such illegal activities, we have to
report the police or any member of concerned organisations. We can
also use helping numbers any time to inform about victims or traffickers.
Our little effort will be a great help to control violation of human rights.
A. Write ‘True’ for true and ‘False’ for false statements. [5x1=5]

a. Victims get better job when they are recruited.
b. Most victims are lured to the promises of better job or easy money.
c. Victims of earthquakes, foods, wars can be easily smuggled.
d. The victims have to work long hours and they are paid well.
e. We can inform the traffickers through helping numbers.
B. Answer the following questions. [5x1=5]

a. How do traffickers identify the target groups?
b. Why do the traffickers invest money to the target groups?
c. What are the victims involved in?
d. Which organizations in Nepal are dedicated to fight human trafficking?
e. What can we do if we suspect someone involved in human trafficking?

3. Read the text and do the tasks. [10]
Notice to members of Godavari Alumni Association
Notice is herby given that the Annual General Meeting of the members
of Godavai Alumni Association will be held on Saturday, December 29,
2018 at 16:00 hours at GAA Lunge, Bhagwan Bahal, Thamel, Kathmandu
to consider the following agenda:
1. Presentation of the annual report by the president.
2. Adoption of financial statement comprising of the balance sheet,
income and expenditure statement and audit report for the Fiscal
year 2074/075 (2017/018).
3. Appointment of the auditor and fixation of the remuneration for the
fiscal year 2075/076 (2018/019).
4. Miscellaneous.
By the order of the Executive Board
General Secretary
A. Write ‘True’ for true and ‘False’ for false statement. [5x1=5]

a. The notice intends to inform the share holders of GAA.
b. The annual report will be presented by the president.
c. The Annual General Meeting will pass the audit report for the Fiscal
Year 2074/075.
d. The remuneration of the auditor will be fixed for Fiscal Year 2075/076.
e. The notice is published by the order of General Secretary.

B. Answer the following questions. [5x1=5]

a. What is the notice about?
b. When will the meeting be held?
c. Where will the meeting take place?
d. What does the financial statement consist of?
e. Who has issued the notice?

4. Read the text and do the tasks. [15]
India’s white-marble Taj Mahal is turning yellow and green as the
17th century mausoleum weathers filthy air in the world’s eighth-most
polluted city.

One of the seven Wonders of the World, the Taj Mahal flanks a garbagestrewn river and is often enveloped by dust and smog from belching
smokestacks and vehicles in the northern city of Agra.

Tiny insects from the drying Yamuna River into which the city pours its
sewage crawl into the Taj Mahal, their excrement further staining the
marble, an environmental lawyer told India’s Supreme Court.
The court slammed the government for not doing enough to preserve
the monument, which was built by Mughal emperor Shah Jahan as a
mausoleum for his wife Mumtaz Mahal.

“If the Indian scientists and the (conservationists) can’t do the things,
they should be able to contact foreign experts or conservationists, those
who can come and they will be readily happy to help,” said lawyer MC
Mehta, who has been fighting to save the Taj Mahal from pollution for
three decades.

Restorers have been using a paste of a clay mineral to clean the marble.
It pulls away impurities from the surface and can then be washed off
with water.

Activists are also concerned that the falling water table in Agra may be
weakening the wooden foundations. Other worries include roads clogged
with polluting vehicles and rampant construction around the mausoleum.
Behind Taj’s back, plastic bags and garbage pile up by the river as
smoke billows from a chimney in the distance. Outside the Taj complex,
a group of people gathered near a funeral pyre.

The change in colour has not come out of the blue. Environmentalists
and historians have long warned about the risk of soot and fumes from
factories and tanneries dulling the ivory monument.
A. Match the words/phrases in column 'A' with their meanings in column 'B'.  [7X1=7]

Column A
Column B
a. mausoleum
i. a person whose job is to repair old building
b. flanks
ii. a place where animal skins are made into leather.
c. smokestack
iii. blocked something
d. excrement
iv. a tall chimney
e. restorer
v. a large pile of wood on which a dead body is placed
f. clogged
vi. stays at the side of something
g. tannery
vii. solid waste discharged from the body
viii. a special building made to hold the dead body
B. Answer the following questions. [8x1=8]

a. Write any two factors that are destroying the beauty of Taj Mahal.
b. Why is Yamuna River being polluted ?
c. Why did the court slam the government?
d. How are the restorers repairing Taj Mahal?
e. What are the worries of the activists?
f. What did a group of people do outside Taj Mahal?
g. What according to environmentalists and historians are the factors that are decreasing the beauty of Taj Mahal ?

5. Write a message of condolence on behalf of your school to be published in a newspaper using the clues given in the box below. [5]
Dev Tharu - a student of class ten - died in a bus accident - humorous
- popular among friends and teachers - sadly misses.
6. Develop a story with the help of the clues given in the box. Give a
suitable title and a moral too. [5]
A rose in the garden - very proud of her beauty - ugly cactus grows
nearby - insults the cactus - cactus stays quiet - summer season - well in
the garden dries - no water for the plants - the rose suffers a lot -sees a
sparrow dipping her beak into the cactus for water - asks the cactus -
cactus agrees - the rose ashamed - moral.

7. Compose a dialogue between two friends talking about the movie they have recently watched in at least six exchanges. [6]

8. Write an essay on “Unemployment in Nepal” in about 200 words. [8]

9. Reproduce the following sentences as indicated in brackets. [6x1=6]

a. Their offers sound very attractive, ........... ? (Supply the correct
question tag)
b. His lesson starts on time. (Change into negative)
c. Bijon arrived at the function at 9 am. (Change into ‘when’) question)
d. While I was having my dinner, she ....... (call) me. (Put the verb in
bracket in the correct tense)
e. He said, “I have been watching this channel for more than a year.”
(Change into indirect speech)
f. Did they confirm the date ? (Change into passive)

10. Choose and copy the best answers. (Rewriting is not compulsory)[10x0.5=5]
Did you know that there (a)..... (were/is/was) only one mammal in the
world that can fly ? The only mammal (b)..... (who/which/what) is actually
capable of powered flight is the bat. All bats (c)..... (have belonged/
belong/are belonging) to Chiroptera. The word Chiroptera comes from
the Greek language meaning hand and wing. It is called so because the
structure of the open wing is very similar to (d)...... (an/a/the) outspread
human hand. The bones of the arm and four of the fingers are light,
slender and lengthened as an adaptation (e)..... (for/on/in) flight. They
(f)..... (are used/being used/used) to support, spread and manipulate the
membranes. It is said that the bat’s wing (g)..... (is an extension/had been
an extension/was an extension) of the skin of the abdomen. It is tightly
stretched layers of skin membranes connected together without any flesh
between the layers. If there was flesh between the layers, a bat’s wings
(h)..... (would not be/will not be/were not) translucent. What (i)..... (makes/
have/gets) the bats climb or walk on the ground ? It is the first digit of
their wing which is small and clawed. The bat pups suck milk from their
mothers, (j)..... ? (doesn’t it/don’t they/do they)
Note :- If you need 2076/2019 SEE/Grade 10 Compulsory English Subject Code: RE-101-BP Question paper in PDF File, please post your email address in "Comment Box" below. :)
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DR Gurung
A Learner (अज्ञान जस्तो ठूलो शत्रु अरु केही छैन।) 🙏🙏
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