Engineering Physics II | Question Paper 2073 | CTEVT Diploma | 1st Year/2nd Part

engineering physics ii question paper 2073 ctevt diploma 1st year 2nd part download pdf
DR Gurung
Council for Technical Education and Vocational Training
Office Of The Controller Of Examinations
Sanothimi, Bhaktapur
Regular/Back Exam - 2073 Bhadra/Ashwin
Program : Diploma In Civil / Architecture / Mechanical / Automobile / Information Technology / Computer / Electrical / Electrical & Electronics / Electronics / Geomatics / Engineering
Year/Part: First Year/Second Part (New + Old Course)
Subject: Engineering Physics II
Time - 3 hrs
Full Marks - 60
Pass Marks - 24

DOWNLOAD PDF | of Question Paper | Engineering Physics II | CTEVT | 1st Year/2nd Part | 2073.

Candidates are required to give their answers in their own words as far as practicable. The figures in the margin indicate full marks.

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Group 'A'

Attempt Any Four questions: [4x6=24]

1. Define electric potential. Derive an expression for electric potential at a point with necessary diagram. [6]

2. What is wheat stone bridge? Describe its balanced condition using Kirchhoff's law. [6]

3. State and explain Biot-Savart's law. Use this law to find magnetic field at a point due to a long straight conductor. [6]

4. Write down the factors on which the velocity of sound in air depends with necessary explanation. [6]

5. Define surface tension. Find an expression to calculate surface tension of a liquid by capillary rise method. [6]

6. What is photoelectric effect? Derive Einstein's photoelectric equation. [6]

Group 'B'

Attempt Any Four questions: [4x3=12]

7. Derive an expression for energy stored in a capacitor. [3]

8. State Ohm's law. Verify it experimentally. [3]

9. Explain electrical resonance in LCR series circuit. [3]

10. Differentiate between interference and diffraction. [3]

11. How is coefficient of Viscosity of a given liquid determined by stroke's method. [3]

12. Explain the working of full wave rectifier. [3]

Group 'C'

Attempt Any Six questions: [6x4=24]

13. A thundercloud and earth can be regarded as a parallel plate capacitor. Taking the area of thundercloud to be 60 km........

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All CTEVT Exam Papers For Computer Diploma First Year 2nd Semester 2073.

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DR Gurung
A Learner (अज्ञान जस्तो ठूलो शत्रु अरु केही छैन।) 🙏🙏
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