Web Technology and Programming-I | Question Paper 2073 | CTEVT Diploma | 1st Year/2nd Part
Office Of The Controller Of Examinations
Sanothimi, Bhaktapur
Regular/Back Exam - 2073 Bhadra/Ashwin
Year/Part: First Year/Second Part (New Course)
Subject: Web Technology and Programming-I
Time - 3 hrs
Full Marks - 80
Pass Marks - 32
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Candidates are required to give their answers in their own words as far as practicable. The figures in the margin indicate full marks.
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Download PDF of Web Technology and Programming-I | Question Paper 2073 | CTEVT Diploma | 1st Year/2nd Part.
Attempt Any Five questions:
a) Define HTML. Explain the types of tags in HTML. [2+4=6]
b) Write down the basic structure of HTML. [2]
c) What are the purpose of <sub>, <sup>, <strike> and <br> tags. Explain <font> and <body> tag with it's attributes. [8]
a) Define list. Explain ordered list with an example. [1+4=5]
b) List the attributes that are included in the <table> and <marquee> tag. [3]
c) Write the HTML code for making following table. [8]
a) Explain about internal and external link with example. [8]
b) What is CSS? List the various attributes that can be specified to the <STYLE> tag. [4+4=8]
a) Explain <img> with it's attributes. [4]
b) Create a page containing 3 frames with 1st frame covering 50% of the screen (vertical coverage) and remaining screen should be horizontally divided into 2 frames. The 1st frame should contain a bio-data and 2nd frame should contain the hyperlinks (i.e. link1 and link2) and the links of these items must be opened in the 3rd frame. [12]
a) Write HTML code for the following form: [10]
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b) Define class in CSS with a suitable example. [2+4=6]
6. Write short notes on (Any Four): [4x4=16]
a) HTML editors and tools.
b) <Marquee> tag.
c) <div> tag.
d) Web browser and search engine.
e) Heading tags.
f) Internet protocols
Good Luck!
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All CTEVT Exam Papers For Computer Diploma First Year 2nd Semester 2073.
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